Our Frenchie World® Camouflage Hoodie are authentic outdoor gear with a unique statement of individual pet style.
- Soft interior for complete comfort
- Integrated kangaroo pocket
- Ribbed sleeves and waistband for comfortable fit
- Features a leash access hole
- Machine wash cold on a gentle cycle. Line dry.
It will be a "dog dynasty" when your pup sports this cool camo dog hoodie in the great outdoors.
Dogs of all sizes will really dig this pink camo hooded sweatshirt. Comfy and soft and pretty in pink, the camo pattern gives it a touch of toughness.
Now your pup can be your soldier sidekick and weather the elements even better in a style that stands out. Great for dogs that enjoy cold weather activities like hunting, fishing and camping.
The pink camouflage pattern of this dog sweatshirt resists looking dirty so your pup can keep adventuring and look sharp. When you do decide the dog hoodie needs to be laundered, simply machine wash it in cold water on a gentle cycle. Line dry to prevent this 65% polyester, 35% cotton from shrinking.
This is such a comfortable and great-looking hooded sweatshirt that your cat may even enjoy wearing it. Whatever critter decides to don this pink camo hoodie, make sure you get photos and send them in! They could be our next Pet of the Day!
Note: If the dog has a stout build, select one size larger.
Size | Neck | Bust | Length |
XS | 30cm/11.8" | 34cm/13.4" | 19cm/7.5" |
S | 32cm/12.6" | 38cm/15.0" | 23cm/9.1" |
M | 34cm/13.4cm | 48cm/18.9" | 29cm/11.4" |
L | 36cm/14.2" | 52cm/20.5" | 34cm/13.4" |