
French Bulldog VS. English Bulldog – Which Pet is Right For You?


If you’re in doubt whether to buy a French bulldog or an English bulldog, there are things you need to know. First of all, not all bully breeds are the same. So far, you’ve probably heard that Frenchies roots go back to England, to their descendants- the English bulldogs.

As you can make a conclusion, these two breeds have many features in common. However, they have also quite a lot of distinctions. People often ask me whether they should choose a French bulldog or an English bulldog. My answer is that they first need to discover what they can expect from both of them before making a final decision. Although they are great in many ways, there are things that should be taken into account.

Widely famous ears

Unlike Frenchies, English bulldogs are bigger in size and have rose-shaped ears. Maybe you didn’t know this, but there were 2 types of French Bulldogs in the past. Those with rose-shaped ears and those with bat-looking elongated ears. Later, the AKC made a decision that only Frenchies with bat-shaped ears should become accepted for the breed standard.


 What about their size and weight?

English bulldogs are a few inches taller and heavier from their miniature cousins, that makes them not so perfect for your lap. The weight of English guys goes up to 50 pounds, while Frenchies usually don’t exceed 28 pounds.

French bulldog VS. English bulldog temperament

Since these two gorgeous dog breeds have common origins (belong to the Molossus group of dogs), they possess pretty similar personalities. Both Frenchiie and English act friendly with people, kids, and other dogs if have been properly socialized. Early socialization means a lot to your dog’s personality.


Another common feature is that both Frenchie and the English bully like to act stubborn from time to time. They quickly lose interest in repeating certain actions, so you’d better deal with it. They simply don’t have ‘enough time and patience’ for doing something multiple times. Despite their strong and stubborn character, they are both highly intelligent dogs.

If you’re already an owner of a Frenchie or an English bulldog breed, then you’re probably familiar with their tendency for the constant following. It’s not surprisable at all since both of them have been bred to serve as companions.

Otherwise called Velcro dogs, the English bully and the Frenchie will never leave their owners alone. They like to be someone’s center of attention, so leaving them home alone can potentially lead them to suffer from dog separation anxiety. Separation anxiety in dogs leads them to experience real panic. They can start chewing on home items, howling and barking all the time until the owner doesn’t come back.

In order to prevent them from this kind of condition, I advise you to properly crate train your pooch and to teach him playing alone with different interactive toys.

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Who’s a greedy eater?

To put a hand on heart, both dog breeds belong to greedy eaters and great gourmets, however, English bulldogs take a small advantage over batpigs. Since they are at higher risk to gain weight quickly, which can make damage to their health, I recommend to all the owners of these two breeds not to overfeed them. It includes giving unnecessary snacks as well. No matter how hard it seems to avoid those sad puppy eyes staring at you next time you start eating, I advise you not to slacken.


French bulldog VS English bulldog common health traits

When we talk about common health traits of these dogs, they both experience certain difficulties with breathing on high temperatures. That’s why is highly recommended to provide them with plenty of water in summer and to take them for a walk only in the morning and late evening. Other possible health issues that affect French bulldog VS English bulldog are allergies, cherry eye, hip dysplasia, and pododermatitis.


French bulldog VS English bulldog care demands

Unlike Frenchies that don’t shed much, their big cousins require 2-3 a week brushing. For a French bulldog, one brushing per week is enough to keep his coat healthy and free of dead hair. Since English bulldogs have more wrinkles on their faces, they also require regular folds cleaning. It doesn’t mean a French bulldog doesn’t need it, just he needs it less. A cotton ball dipped in peroxide can be used to clean the wrinkles, and cornstarch can be applied afterward to aid in drying—although neither should be used near the eyes. The ears and the area under the tail should be kept clean, and the dog’s nails trimmed every two weeks or so.

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